Gorgeous 18 month old boy
​River is a lovely natured boy who needs a home with a safe outdoor space as he loves to go out, he is good with other cats and also kids over 4 years!
*****Please note*****​​​​​​​​​​​
We would have to carry out an actual homecheck!
Shakira & Cole
Indoor only home with no small kids
Shakira (tortie) 1 year old
Cole (b/w male) 18 months​
Need to be rehomed as a pair as very bonded
​These 2 are gorgeous and came into our care having been abandoned, they came in separately but have bonded together.
Shakira has very mild cerebellum, which makes her head shake occassionally. mostly when she gets excited.
These 2 are gorgeous cats and will make fantastic pets for most households.
***Please note***
We would have to carry out an actual home check!
Gorgeous litter of kittens born in our care.
Kittens ready to be rehomed 23-26th September at 9 weeks
These gorgeous litter of 8 kittens are gorgeous and very friendly as they were born in our care, the mama is lovely too!
They are ready to be rehomed as above, preferably in pairs as quite a bunch///
***Please note***​
We would have to carry out an actual home check!!
Dennis (grey/white)
Gorgeous grey/white 18 month old boy
Dennis is a lovely natured boy who was sadly left behind by his previos owners
Dennis needs to be rehomed to a house with a safe back garden as he loves to go out for some fresh air, although likes lots cuddles and attention
No young kids under 6 years.
Dennis is a gorgeous very affectionate lad, he sadly came into our care as his owners just didn't want hom and left him behind and moved away. He is a lovely boy who would like a family to love him as he likes lots cuddles and attention. Dennis would be best as the only boy as we are not sure how he is with other cats.H
He would need a safe garden and would make a fabulous pet for any household:)​​​
We would have to carry out an actual home check
Gorgeous 3 year old friend boy
Suit an indoor home!
Best suited to a home with a couple who are home a lot and to be the only cat
​Spike is a gorgeous big lad who came into our care as his owner could no longer take care of him, he is a tad nervous until he gets to know you, boy when he does he will follow you around and shout for attention, he is not keen on other cats so prefers to be the only boy, also no kids under 5 years, this lad would make a fantastic pet for most households as he is a big gentle giant!​​​​​​​​​​​​
***Please note***
We would have to carry out an actual home check!
Shakira & Cole
Bonded pair
Shakira (tortie
Cole (b/w semi longhaired boy)
Absolute gorgeous pair of indoor cats and would suit most households, they are so friendly and very bonded....​​​​​​​​​​
We have to carry out an actual home check!